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City Paper: The Clog Mythos

The big news at the City Paper this week is the appearance of The Clog, our staff blog. Yes, in addition to posting ridiculous stuff here at Secret Dead Blog, I'll be sharing blogging duties with my CP co-workers. You can read about the making of The Clog in my editor's letter. (As soon as I can figure it out, I'll build a permanent Clog link in the right-hand column.) Cute little fella, ain't he? Impressive gums, if nothing else.

Elsewhere in the CP, Mary Patel checks in with White House Press Corp legend Helen Thomas, who's not shy about saying that "the press fell down on the job" in the run-up to Iraq.

Our Paper Doll takes on 15,000 teenagers who refuse to have sex.

Brian Howard talks with local cyclists who refuse to speak.

In "The Agenda," we check in with some real choosy mothers.

And elsewhere on the web, I talk about scotch, my father-in-law and my married life over at the latest, booze-soaked installment of Professor Barnhardt's Journal. Check out Tribe's fantastic piece on counry music and alcohol. It makes me actually want to like country music.

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