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Paperback 282: If the Coffin Fits / Day Keene (Graphic 43)

Paperback 282: Graphic 43 (PBO, 1952)

Title: If the Coffin Fits
Author: Day Keene
Cover artist: uncredited

Yours for: $50

Best things about this cover:
  • One of the greatest hypo covers of all time (yes, "hypo covers" is a thing — very collectible)
  • And the award for "Most Realistic Depiction of Hand Hair" goes to ...
  • God that spike is glorious. I almost want to start doing heroin just to experience the feel of something so elegantly designed.
  • Joe Shirtless does Not want to shoot up, but stone-faced blond guy can't wait. He has that barely-contained psycho-sadistic look about him. I think it's the posture, plus the intent stare: [Trembling ever-so-slightly] "This is going to be @#$#ing awesome!" Maybe he's a hypo connoisseur. Or just likes handling terrified man flesh.

Best things about this back cover:
  • Ugh, small type. Less is More!
  • This book should be called "Badger Game" — I'd read it just to figure out what the hell that phrase meant.
  • Why is "Jail Bait" capitalized and italicized? Is it a novel? (actually, it is, and I own it, but I don't think the book is what's meant here).
  • "Mr. Big" — Ouch. One million points off for lack of originality.

Page 123~

I said that was a lot of heifer dust. He was inclined to argue.

I believe "heifer dust" = "bullshit," but it would be a great street name for some drug ... something way, way worse than "angel dust." "We cut the PCP with cow shit ... try it!"


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