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Nano No Nos

Quick announcement: Journey's of Wonder Volume one is being offered for FREE download October 29 and 30! 

Okay, Halloween's in a few days - one of my favorite holidays of course. But you know what scares a lot of writers? NANOWRIMO

If you don't know what it is, November is novel writing month where you pledge to write 50,000 words by the end of the month. Check out the link if you're interested and don't be afraid to friend me. 

I love Nano! I revel in getting lost in that initial draft. To me that's the most exciting part of the process. Will I do it this year? I'm going to try, but with the baby it will be challenging. I like challenges. I work well under pressure. And besides, when it's all said and done, I'll have more than I would have if I hadn't attempted it. 

So what are my tips?

  • Write whenever you can. Even it it's for ten minutes it will keep your mind working on the story. 
  • Don't be afraid to put down whatever comes to mind. No one sees it but you, so go back and fix stuff later. It's a computer that counts the words.
  • Don't believe you have a masterpiece. Ok - I mean a FINISHED masterpiece. What Nano leaves you with is a lovely first draft to have fun revising later. 
  • Challenge yourself. It's a great way to let loose without that internal editor getting in the way. JUST WRITE. You'd be surprised at the result. 
  • Make it a priority. Obviously some things come first like family and paychecks, but you know what I mean! 
Have you done Nano before? Planning to do it this year? Why or why not and what are some of your tips?

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