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I took this photo of my feet showing off my new
 moccasins about 10 seconds before 
I got in an airplane that crashed about 5 minutes after that.
 Those moccasins saved my feet and thanks to those babies, 
I had IV access to help the EMT crews
on the scene manage my pain and put me out of my misery.
I still have them tucked away in a box where I keep my most treasured things.
They are a bit charred and discolored.
(Someday I will pull them out and show you),
I really want to display them in my home,
they really deserve a spot somewhere.

The Nies have brought them to show and tell at school,
and I've brought them to church to show the primary kids.
They're actually pretty amazing considering
 the outcome of the whole ordeal.

Thank you New Mexico moccasins!

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