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Images from Wargames Illustrated, 6 through 10.

 Charging Carabineers, from the Wargames Holiday Centre, created by a very talented Mark Allen for Peter Gilder. The centre was sold in 1988 by Peter Gilder, to the late Mike Ingham, along with the majority of the collections that Gilder had built up over the preceding years.

  Dutch Lancers, charging Russian troops, crated by Mark Allen, who even in 1988 was a master of the crashing cavalryman.
 An image from the Italian Wars, using Connisseur Figures, and painted by Phil Robinson, Dave Thomas and Peter Gilder, I believe.

 A beautiful Gallia Castle, with figures painted by Phil Robinson, Dave Thomas and Peter Gilder.

 The Sudan was a popular, small war played at Gilder's Wargames Holiday Centre. Figures painted in the main by Dave Thomas with a smattering of units by the wonderful Doug Mason.

                Spanish Napoleonic's now, using dragoons painted by Dave Thomas.
Gilder, also introduced a skirmish game, using red Indians and American cavalry.

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