Top Stars Fatty Arbuckle, Buster KeatonDate 1917
Category Slapstick Short
The StoryFatty’s headed to Coney Island, hopefully without The Wife.
The VerdictArbuckle’s funniest film. That ain't light praise.
Best SceneArbuckle breaks the fourth wall with his first gag. He’s on the beach with his wife, very much wishing he were not. He keeps turning from her and she keeps pulling him back by the seat of his pants. There’s no exaggeration here, but we know what he thinks of her. And with her eyes on her magazine rather than him, all the communication is really between Arbuckle and us. He winks and laughs toward the camera, pulling us into the joke, and when the moment arrives that he can safely roll away from his foul spouse, we feel like we’re in on the whole thing.
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