Though books abound concerning Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone (see The Vortex Library) one might be surprised to learn that appreciations and examinations of the series are moving firmly into the area of podcasts. One might also be surprised to learn that there are as many as a dozen or more podcasts devoted to The Twilight Zone, Night Gallery, or Rod Serling, with seemingly more starting up all the time. Now seemed like an opportune time to provide this convenient roundup of the podcasts currently available. Included are the available descriptions of the podcasts from their host sites. Links to these podcasts are permanently listed on the sidebar under “Beyond the Vortex." Click the podcast title to access episodes. –JP
The Twilight Zone Podcast by Tom Elliot
“A lifelong horror fan, Tom Elliot began podcasting in 2009 with his fledgling show The Gentlemen’s Grindhouse. Since then Tom has become a writer for Scream: The Horror Magazine, where he’s interviewed Rob Zombie, Tony Todd, the cast of Hellraiser and many more celebrities from the world of horror. In 2010 Tom started The Twilight Zone Podcast, reviewing every episode of Rod Serling’s classic show and interviewing several people connected with it, including Rod Serling’s daughter Anne. The Twilight Zone Podcast has garnered a massive audience and continues to this day.”
Between Light and Shadow: A Twilight Zone Podcast by Craig Beam
The original Twilight Zone blogger (My Life in the Shadow of the Twilight Zone) jumps into podcasting with this free-form examination/exploration of the series. Highly recommended. -JP
Sound, Sight, and Mind Podcast by the Andrade brothers
“Welcome to the official home of the SOUND, SIGHT & MIND podcast, where the three Andrade brothers travel through the classic series The Twilight Zone, three episodes at a time.
Submitted for Your Approval: A Twilight Zone Podcast by Apathetic Enthusiasm
“From start to finish, The Twilight Zone remains one of the most compelling series in television history. Brandon (of Apathetic Enthusiasm) and a variety of guests, both regular and special, watch the series from start to finish and discuss the characters, themes, and ideas Rod Serling brought to the screen. Submitted for Your Approval, we present to you, A Twilight Zone Podcast.”
The Twilight Zone Zone Podcast by Jeremy Schmidt and Ron Lechler
“The Twilight Zone Zone is a podcast hosted by LA comedians Jeremy Schmidt and Ron Lechler. Every installment, they and a guest watch and discuss an episode of Rod Serling’s seminal television series The Twilight Zone.
The Twilight Pwn by John & Fred
“If you’re just discovering this podcast, welcome! We watched every episode of the Twilight Zone and talked about it, sometimes reverentially, sometimes snarkily Also, we made jingles. Because we’re branding/marketing geniuses, we watched the episodes completely out of order, making it extremely confusing. If you’re curious where to start, it probably makes the most sense to just pick an episode of the Twilight Zone you know and check out the corresponding podcast. If you’d like to follow the podcast in chronological order, the episodes are listed that way on our iTunes page (cut us some slack on the early episodes, we didn’t hit our stride until five or six podcasts in). It probably doesn’t make sense to listen to our show in the same order as the Twilight Zone (we did the first episode of the show as our final episode of the podcast). Also, we had a few bonus episodes. Hope you enjoy!”
That Twilighty Show About that Zone by David Lawler
Blissville Presents this look at The Twilight Zone from blogger and podcaster David Lawler and guests.
That Twilighty Show About that Zone by David Lawler
Blissville Presents this look at The Twilight Zone from blogger and podcaster David Lawler and guests.
Anthology: The Twilight Zone and Classic Sci-Fi Podcast by Obsessive Viewer
“Anthology is a podcast exploring science fiction anthology storytelling during television’s first golden age beginning with The Twilight Zone (and eventually covering The Outer Limits, Tales of Tomorrow, Science Fiction Theatre, and One Step Beyond).
Each episode of the podcast, I review one episode of The Twilight Zone as well as a movie or show related to the week’s main topic.
I’m hoping that by being a first time viewer of the show and connecting the episodes with other works of the time, I can offer an interesting perspective on this timeless classic.”
“The Internet’s freshest Twilight Zone podcast. It’s The Rod Squad.”
“We are a group of regular film fans who decided to use our talents to bring some sanity and good manners back to the art of film reviewing. Our Editor and Lead Reviewer is Jeremy Goeckner (who founded the site). Our other reviewers include Brandon Davis, Craig McFarland, Scott McFarland, Kevin Kulavic, Tim Garvis, Sara Goeckner & Allison Means.”
“Random Serling is a show where I am joined by a guest to discuss a randomly selected episode of either The Twilight Zone or Night Gallery, two shows created by the late Rod Serling, master of suspense. New episodes will follow each week until we run out of material.”
A great companion to Tom Elliot’s The Twilight Zone Podcast, this podcast looks at each episode of Rod Serling’s Night Gallery. Though a new episode has not been created for some time now, all previous episodes are available. –JP
Imagine If You Will Podcast by Bruce and Dan
A chronological review of every episode of The Twilight Zone . . . ever.
Imagine If You Will Podcast by Bruce and Dan
A chronological review of every episode of The Twilight Zone . . . ever.
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