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Multi-Billionaire Hugo Salinas Price comes on Greg Huter's USA watchdog and feels disrespected bt Trump's mexican comments and trade demands

Jacoby Genovese
  Hugo Salinas Price is a walking skeleton plutocrat who has made billions form trade imbalances that wealthy Mexican individuals have taken advantage of this country. The geriatric son of a bitch was on Greg Hunter's amazing YouTube channel to blast Donald Trump and his plans for more protectionist through tax imports and this is a many deeply concerned about this idea. he is alo concerned about Trump's border wall idea and that all Mexicans from the lowest peon to the highest billionaire class such as himself felt about Donald Trump calling all Mexicans rapists. Greg Hunter had to explain to Hugo that Donald Trump didn't coincidentally call all Mexicans rapists just those involved in the brutal illegal activity of human coyote smuggling where data and reports show most women traveling through these migrations suffer untold sexual abuse.
It got testy for a few minutes between Mr Hunter and this billionaire who is not use to be challenged on his opinions in mexico because of his untold billions which has given this old creep a voice on alternative sites about markets and the economy make no mistake this old shit is a classic globalist of the day and has reaped tremendous financial rewards and the billionaire clan is extremely paranoid of this system falling apart and the consequences of an angry public and their elected leader can have a toll of their hoarded billionaires that they prevent from being flushed in the system to benefit more mankind. Hugo Salinas, Like most Mexican Billionaires, is a selfish prick fuck brain and Salinas was not in a mood to debate the need for countries to protect borders and he seemed exasperated when Hunter told him America has a right to build the wall and prevent labor terrorism on the American worker from a peon class that the likes of Hugo are pushing El Norte by making conditions at home as intolerable for non-reptilians  as the Mexican desert at 12 noon.Hunter then brought the conversation back onto mexico bringing back silver into their currencies as this is likely how the Salinas family even made their fortunes through the years and Hunter should of stated that the billionaire class of Mr Salinas is using people migration for economic prosperity and security at home s much the same that is being used by coastal Arab elites in thhe Middle East.

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