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Sick Kim Kardashian visits a rapist ad murderer and Ralph Reed murderer hand knobs him, and purchases a s stay of execution

    Leroy Yates
    There is no worse crime that of a rape and murdered and this is exactly  what condemned psycho Ralph Reef stands accused with overwhelming evidence  if guilt  yet the crazed media and celebrity industrial complex have flocked to saving the life if thus animal. Ralph Reed was scheduled to finally  be executed on November 20th fir thg he brutal  abduction,nesting, and strangulation of a innocent young woman whi the bestial savage desires Reed attacked in his lustful hatred of white females something he has d stand acvused several times.
Ralph Reed is a rapist and killer a killer yet celebrity whore Kin Kardashian decided to visit and purchase some more time for this brutal savage killer  and he is now allocated 120 more days  to rot in prison  hell at tax payer expense  One can rest assured Kin Kardashian was not unsupervised at any time  in no tine was she alone with this killer. it is interesting to note Kim Kardashian at no time met with Stacy Stites fiance Jimmy Fennel who the backers of Mr Reed lie in stating that he killed his wife for having an affair that has never been substantiated and is a total fabrication of Ralph Reed and his psychotic family. Stacy Stites would never date a Black man and was happily engaged about to be married to Mr Fennel in 1986 when she was killed by Ralph Reed.
Kim Kardashian also did not meet and hear the facts of the Bastrop police or the rest of the family of Stacy Stites and this is because Kim Kardashian is a racist enjoying defending and fighting for the evils of Black people when they commit their crimes and genocide against Whites. I wonder if at any time during the meeting Ralph Reed wondered if and how it would feel to take Kim Kardashian and kill her like he did Stacy. Maybe Kim Kardashain is one of these nuts who fall in love with the evil behind prison cells and has so much money and a thrill bitch pad the guard to look while she masturbated this killer so she could say she had the power to do so. Mr Reed will eventually be executed and his prolonging and the prolonging of the lives of these killers whether by lawyers or sick celebrities and the plutocrat of entertainment is more a total shame and disgrace to this country and courts systems prolonging the aony o family members seeking retribution and revenge.

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