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Velvet Dreams & Winter Nightmares

It's been a struggle to depart from my summer threads. Goodbye crops, floaty kimonos and 20 denier tights. Now that Summer has left us, Winter makes it's speedy approach.

Over the past few weeks I've been preparing my wardrobe for the winter, and how I've hated it! My Twitter timeline is filled with tweets of people looking forward to it! Talk of chunky knits, fur coats and boots abounds. BLAH! I want my summer back!

The only thing I look forward to during this season is the make up: smokey eyes, defined eyebrows and sparkly nail polishes. It's all super glamorous, making up for the dull, cold, wet weather.

Anyway, away from the doom & gloom that is the Great British Winter and back to my wardrobe. This week I was casually browsing through eBay in search of something new and exciting and alas! I stumbled across the most gorgeous velvet dress from Topshop, and we all know how Velvet is theeee fabric of choice this season. Is there anything that feels more luxurious and cozy than a touch of this stunning fabric? I doubt it.

The dreadful thing about eBay though is the seemingly endless wait for parcels to arrive. The bitter disappointment on a daily basis for what feels like weeks of returning home from work to find nothing but junk mail and bills etc... But in these cold winter months, the feeling of warmth when you arrive home and see the glowing brown parcel with your name on it is almost unmatched.

Sooo... The dress! It's even more amazing looking in real life than the pictures could ever do justice. It's a bodycon fitting dress that hugs your body in all the right places with a sensuous lace trimming around the neckline and a scooped back... Lovely.






I absolutely love this ring, I can't decide whether it has a tribal vibe going on or an aztec feel to it, or even both! Who cares? It's chunky, it's gold, it looks unusual, it ticks all the right boxes for me :)


I'm not completely dreading winter anymore, I am kind of looking forward to the fashion. I would still rather it was 6 months of warmer weather coming up than cold, but I've told myself to make the most of what we've got. Speaking of which, I've got a stunning velvet blazer from River Island working it's way to a blog post near you.

On another note, I have really missed doing beauty posts but the lens on my camera isn't too hot on close-ups. Today I bought some macro lenses from eBay which should let me get some good close-up shots. Expect a barrage of beauty related posts appearing on your dashboards, CAN'T WAIT! :D

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