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I tried detox fruit water and it's amazing!

Okay, first I thought, what is the point of detox water? I know drinking water is important, but why waste entire pieces of expensive fruit to make your water look better? It can't possibly get a lot of flavor that way. Why aren't people just drinking juice?

But I quickly discovered the benefits of drinking detox fruit water, both compared to normal water and fruit juice.

Compared to normal water: detox water that has been resting for a few hours starts to take on the flavor of the ingredients. The longer you leave it soaking, the stronger the flavor. I was very surprised by how strong and tasty the flavor of my first detox water was. Also, I can throw in a lot of different ingredients I wouldn't normally consume, like vanilla and rose petals. Compared to flavored bottled water there is nothing artificial about the flavor, and by using filtered water it will also be low in copper and lead. The fruits also make the water more alkaline, which is the opposite of acid or what we call in the beauty world: unhealthy and ageing (soda, meat, eggs, pie, candy, beer,...). The water becomes spiked with minerals and vitamins. Of course, not as many as in juice.

I realised why I wasn't drinking water during the day. Drinking water is the most boring thing in the world and I also feel as if it interrupts my digestion and makes me feel heavy and bloated. But I definitely wasn't getting my 2 liters a day. Now that I make detox waters though, I easily drink 2 liters a day, and fast! Perhaps it's better to drink shorter as to not alkalize my stomach too much. With all the acidic foods these days that's not easily gonna happen though. To top it off, with certain ingredients you can literally detox the liver and stomach after a long dry night of digesting by sipping on a flavor bomb in the morning after letting the water rest overnight.

Compared to juices, a detox water is much more practical (no dragging along bottles or fruit from the store), it's a lot faster (just slice the fruits up without juicing), cheaper (although some detox ingredients can be expensive), more nutrients (you can eat the fruit after drinking the water), less bad for the teeth (thanks to the water that's been going in the fruit), less sugar all in once, different ingredients, a prettier bottle and not so filling.

Here are my first detox water: both with rose and vanilla, one with raspberries and the other one with pink and white currants. I prefer the one with raspberries. After a night of setting in the fridge it was the most delicious flavored water... I can't think of any other way to get these flavors together.

I added way too many currants, there was barely any room for the water, but I didn't want to waste any and they're from the garden anyway.

The fruits can be reused depending what they are. Lemon will last a few days if you refill and store in the fridge, while lemon will go bad after a day. If you store are room temperature you have to let it rest for 2 hours, if you store it in the fridge then 4 hours. You need to consume it within 24 hour after placing it in room temperature. You want to use fresh, crisp ingredients, preferably biological. Avoid leaving skins on things in order to avoid bitter flavors.

I really love the vanilla beans in this actually. I didn't know it could taste so strong. Vanilla is quite expensive here at 2,5 euros per bean, so I ordered 10 beans for 10 euros on eBay already. I hope they'll be somewhat good...

These bottles are now everywhere as well as small books on detox water ingredient combinations. I really recommend a bottle like this because it's specifically made for detox waters. It's easy to hold, it can be closed for stirring the ingredients, it comes with a strong straw that can be reused over and over, and it's tall enough for for example vanilla beans. The jar below is 75cl which is three quarters of a liter. Three bottles of this and I have my two liters a day!



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