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Quick Reply to Comment on UD Naked Foundation

This is a reply to a comment from a reader, Victoria, that goes,

Hi Jyoan. Thank you for your very detailed review. I have been mulling whether to get this foundation or the tinted moituriser or liquid foundation from Laura Mercier. I am NC 42 and I think 7.0 was my best match. Was just wondering about two things: 1. Sephora just provided you the sample when you asked them for it? I am not sure if the Malaysian Sephora would actually do this but it would be great if they do since I only tested the colour on part of my face. 2. Your statement "Point to note: You want to make sure that your setting powder is a HD one too, otherwise you will waste the HD effect of the UD Naked foundation" Do you think that this is really necessary? I mean I have asked another blogger about this and she told me it is alright to use any loose powder with this foundation. I think she used Guerlain Meteorites with this foundation. Thanks in advance :-) Victoria on Urban Decay Naked Skin Liquid Foundation in 4.0 - Good for the heat in Singapore!
I am replying here because while I can read the comment in my blogger dashboard, I can't see the reply box on my blog page itself, so I can't reply there.

Also, I think these are good questions, so it's worth a post.

1. Yes, Sephora Ion Orchard readily gave me the sample.

However, I am not sure if they still have such pre-packed samples. I got right after it launched. I think even if someone goes to the Singapore branch now, they may not hand out these samples, simply because there is no stock.

What you can do is to buy your own mini container, and bring it to the store. Sephora is quite a free-will concept type of store, so you could take the bottles and pump some out into your container on your own. For courtesy purpose, you can ask the sales assistant for permission, or ask them to help you. If the container is small enough, I don't think they will reject.

A little really goes a long way, so you don't need much.

Personally, I do have a tiny bottle of hand sanitizer with me all the time. So I use the sanitizer to clean the opening of those dirty foundation bottles before I squeeze.

About the Laura Mercier... ... haha, I know I have promised to review that as well, but I haven't. If you are not in a big hurry, I could put that on my to-test priority list, and quickly review.

2. I guess what you use to set foundation really depends on your preference.

Personally, the Guerlain Meteorites are at best an all-over pick-me-up type of glow-lighter on my face. It is not even a highlighter. I don't use Meteorites on my cheekbones, or my nose bridge, or cupid's bow, etc, because I find that it does nothing for me in terms of sculpting. For highlighting, I use a proper highlighter, like Lorac Spotlit or theBalm Mary-Loumanizer. I love my Guerlain, but I really only use it right at the end of everything, all over my face. 

Guerlain Meteorites definitely does not set BB cream or foundations for me. I have tried using the meteorites alone as setting powder, and it simply did not work on my face, even though I have dry skin. Perhaps, it is the heat and humidity in Singapore. Nowadays, I feel like I am melting as long as there is no air-con. Sweat just drips down my forehead even in the shade of my house.

About other powders, I can try whatever I have, for you. So far, I know that the SkinFood Orange Sun BB Compact Powder does not work. It is good as a midday mattifier, for touch-up, but no good at all for initial setting.

I think if you do buy the UD Naked, you could always stick to your current loose setting powder, and observe the outcome. If yours work, then congratulations! No need to waste money on another product. =) For my face, the MUFE HD works very well, so I just keep using it, with no intention to change.

That's all for now. I hope it helps.


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