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Hottest Bikini Video Shoot EVER!

Everyone knows I don't post porn or nudity, unless it's artistic and artistically done, and or projects a specific message. However, a friend sent me this video proclaiming the most awesome girl, by the name of Sherri, modeling in bikini's. He said it was the best photo shoot he ever seen. "Best ass ever!" He says.

So I took a look see for myself and was a little bit impressed. 

Now, I have at times posted some "hot" pictures of male and female models looking sexy, but again, never completely nude. But where non-nude sexiness is concerned, this Sherri girl isn't half bad. She's okay looking but man, she sure is quite sexy. So after many weeks of contemplating, I decided to post the video. Hopefully, it will warm you guys up during a cold winter night. lol

If you're offended then I don't know what you would be offended about because you are not seeing anything here that you wouldn't see at a public beach, or a public pool.

I have been assured the girl, Sherri, is at least 18 years old.  Also, by the music, it sounds like it was filmed some ten years ago.

Nothing left to say except, enjoy, I guess.